Let us help you determine your financial status, change your name, and add your new spouse onto your account! Getting married is an important milestone, and it's also a good time to re-evaluate certain financial issues to ensure that they continue to meet the changes in your life. We've include some helpful information below to get you and your spouse started in the right direction
- Savings
- Home Loans
- Online Banking
- Bill Pay Services
Some common issues to consider are:
Receiving cash instead of gifts and presents is becoming common practice at many bridal showers, engagement parties, and wedding receptions. We can help you find the best way to maximize your funds, whether you're looking for a new savings account for future purchases or to finance your first home.
Simply visit one of our branches with your updated Idaho ID, Drivers License, or your marriage certificate and fill out a new account application. We will update your information quickly and efficiently to ensure your new name is in effect when you need it.
To add a spouse to your account, simply visit one of our branches with your new co-owner. Present current picture IDs and fill out an application.
Click Here to re-order checks to include your spouse's name. |